Thursday, April 7

Seal Baby Eggs!!!

I go completely nuts over baby seals. They seriously break my brain and turn me into a frothing puddle of horrible high pitched noises. The fatter the better. There isn't anything about them that isn't amazing. The sounds they make, their blorpy shape, their tiny faces and little whiskers, don't even get me started on the little flipper feets. 

I saw this photo of a baby harp seal and could not get over how perfectly ovular and eggily shaped he was. We had a large carton of eggs and nobody was home so I knew that this was my chance. With a paper towel I dried the condensation off the eggs and took a sharpie to them to create a carton full of wonderful sleepy Harp seal babies! I tucked them all back into their carton and wrote 'Shhhhhh!' on the outside and deployed them back to into the fridge and waited.

And waited.

It was rather difficult to keep my mouth shut about it and just wait for somebody to go looking for eggs and stumble upon these little treasures, but it was all worth it in the end! 

** Warning**

The only downside to this plan was that everyone was so instantly in love with these tiny seals that nobody wanted to crack one open just to make dinner.

Sleeping fat adorable blorpy baby harp seal
Super cute fat blorpy baby Harp seal
Sleeping baby harp seal egg
Baby Harp seal egg

The little Harp seal egg babies that I made
Me & my seal babies!

Adorable Baby Harp seal eggs nestled in their cozy little carton :D
Adorable Baby Harp seal eggs nestled in their cozy little carton :D
oh the wonderful things a sharpie can do!!