Thursday, June 23

My Lovely Little Loaf-let (of Challah Bread)

I finally found the perfect chewy eggy wonderful Challah bread recipe. The description of how to know when you are done kneading the dough indicates that it is finished when the dough feels like skin. This sounds like it could be very creepy, kneading a ball of elasticized skin, but it is actually one of the most pleasant things. Kneading the dough for 30 mins is like a light work out plus meditation exercise. I am so corny and like to imagine I am back in the olden days where life was slower and people had time to knead their dough for 30 mins and even bake their own breads on a regular basis. What a life.

unbaked, but so cute in its little braid. pre-second rising.

Challah bread dough braided, beginning the second rising.

Challah bread dough braided, beginning the second rising.

And baked!! I couldn't help myself from eating a giant chunk of it, i had to so it would fit in the plastic bag i had to store it in. It was soooo delicious and moist and wonderful!!!

Perfectly golden brown chewy moist eggy Challah bread fresh out of the oven!

Perfectly golden brown chewy moist eggy Challah bread fresh out of the oven!

Tuesday, June 14

Baby Strawberries From The Garden!

Red little strawberries grown in the garden at my house
Almost too cute to eat, but I had to. In absurdly tiny bites of course.