Monday, September 5

Cinnamon Sugar Pull Apart Bread!

Cinnamon sugar pull apart bread freshly baked and cooling on the stove top
Cinnamon sugar pull-apart bread freshly baked and cooling on the stove top.

Just made this cinnamon pull-apart bread today, it's like a loaf of never ending cinnamon bun innards. SO GOODD! I want to put icing on it...

This was so fun to make! I probably haven't used a rolling pin since I was a child playing with the flour and water 'dough' my grandma and I used to make to 'play' with, so that alone was a bit nostalgic for me. I also love an excuse to get my hands dirty and rubbing cinnamon sugar all over dough covered in brown butter is a deliciously awesome way to do so.

The overall look of the loaf is a cross between whimsical french toast stack and a sugary Shar-Pei. I love it.

Cinnamon sugar pull-apart bread all stacked and ready to bake
Cinnamon sugar pull-apart bread all stacked and ready to bake.
After removing the cinnamon sugar pull-apart bread from the loaf pan it maintained its shape quite well!
After removing the cinnamon sugar pull-apart bread from the loaf pan it maintained its shape quite well! 
After removing the cinnamon sugar pull-apart bread from the loaf pan it maintained its shape quite well!
Just look at that sexy Cinnamon sugar goodness!