Saturday, January 29

Cover -reverse mermaid, Folding Chair

My record year for rainfall. Reverse mermaid

Folding Chair -Regina Spektor

Come and open up your folding chair next to me. My feet are buried in the sand and there's a breeze. There's a shadow, you can't see my eyes. And the sea is just a wetter version of the sky.


Swirls, El Mar

Swirls done in colored pencil

el mar, the sea. collage, acrylic and ink

January Hymn

January Hymn -Decemberists
On a winter's Sunday I go to clear away the snow and green the ground below. April all an ocean away. Is this the better way to spend the day? Keeping the winter at bay. What were the words I meant to say before you left? When I could see your breath lead where you were going to. Maybe I should just let it be and maybe it will all come back to me.

Done in ink and acrylic

Reservoir shadows/ice

The reservoir in newark, DE. ink, acrylic and watercolor.

The little house in the middle of the Newark, DE reservoir. ink, acrylic and watercolor.


Squid + umbrellas = squidbrellas with lots of little bubbles. done in ink.

Scales/swirls/bubbles, R.I.P.

ink -I have no idea.. desperate attempt to fill space.


Red, Blue

Whirling red waves and tumultuous blue. Acrylic.

AppleLauren, Heard The World -O.A.R.

Heard The World -O.A.R

I just heard the world is breaking down into bits again. Tell me what am I to do? And you just want me to stay, here. So I'm just gonna stay here. Home, the last resort. Build a castle with an iron door. Lock the windows, pull the shades, the hazed out sun won't help anyway. If the world is crumbling down, I don't want to be alone. No, locked up in this place. I heard the world up, late night. Holding my breath tight, trying to keep my head on right. There's a chill in the air, nobody could care how you're caught up in the fight of your life.

Lauren with an apple impaled on a pencil after throwing it at the wall. acrylic and ink

Cape Cod Beachy

Dancing on the sand during low tide while the sun was setting at a beach on Cape Cod. done in watercolor. 

Booshie. I'll Never Let You Go -Third Eye Blind, VeniceLauren

I'll Never Let You Go -Third Eye Blind

I remember the stupid things, the mood rings, the bracelets and the beads, nickels and dimes, yours and mine, did you cash in all your dreams? You don't dream for me, no. You don't dream for me, no. But I still feel you pulsing like sonar from the days in the waves. That girl is like a sunburn I would like to save, that girl is like a sunburn, I would like to save, she's like a sunburn, she's like a sunburn. And all our friends are gone, are gone, and all the time moves on, and on, and all I know is it's wrong, it's wrong...

ink and watercolor

Tuesday, January 25

as i'm going through and posting these i'm noticing that a lot of the scans came out kind of weird. i have photos too i'm going to upload to my computer soon and see if those are any better, then i'll finish posting them.

Sunday, January 23

Venomous Box Jellyfish


All you can eat

Thrown hard -my back agains the wall
your hand trails unsteadily
through my hair, over my cheek
and I sink as you fix me in place;
threading your wires through my skin
in reckless uneven stitches.
You touch my lips and linger
to make these holes in my throat,
then taunt the voiceless
-listening only, as my lungs deflate,
to the sound of air that's no longer mine
igniting the sparks I strike behind my eyes...

In my quick-burning rage, I forget
my name, I feel no pain, feel no regret.

I tear your wires from my flesh and
watch the blood so bright and fresh.

Emboldened now by the coursing red
I turn your needle on you instead.

I bind you now with will and might
back against the wall -stitched up so tight.

With time I know my holes will heal
but you, I want to remain here. the embers cool to return
me from fugue; to re-associate
my brain, the agony, the name.
Your hand presses hard
into the crook of my waist
and I watch as you savor the sharpness
of this curve with your dead
hungry grip gnawing into my ribs.
I've been all but resolved with plotted
precision -your strung up captive.
Too weak to fight back from all
the blood lost.
Watercolor and ink

Lamprey, Intolerance

Parasitic Sea Lamprey

The sea lamprey can grow up to 35.5 inches long. It uses it's suction cup-like mouth to attach to a host and bores through the host's flesh with its rasping teeth and bony tongue in order to feed on the host's blood and bodily fluids.

Ink and watercolor
Intolerance -Tool

I don't want to be hostile. I don't want to be dismal. But I don't want to rot in apathetic existence either. See I want to believe you, and I want to trust you and I want to have faith to put away the dagger. But you lie, cheat and steal. And yet I tolerate you. Veil of virtue hung to hide your method while I smile and laugh and dance and sing your praise and glory. Shroud of virtue hung to mask your stigma as I smile and laugh and dance and sing your glory while you lie, cheat and steal. How can I tolerate you. Our guilt, our blame, I've been far too sympathetic. Our blood, our fault. I've been far too sympathetic. I am not innocent. You are not innocent. No one is innocent. I will no longer tolerate you. Even if I must go down beside you. Because no one is innocent.


Girl2.1, Retrospective


I can feel my own brow tense
as I watch her glinting eyes
leaking life -living and being
onto the knee-scraping streets;
where her soles wear down, a pair
a day, leaving soul upon the ground.

Pressed down upon so heavily -
we both are the subjects of gravity
and her cold, it feels like mine
when her tributaries bleed;
converging together over desert
where no ships are ever seen.

Ink, watercolor and marker


"The tongue-eating isopod enters it's host through the gills and attaches it's body at the base of the tongue. It uses it's front claws to extract blood until the host's tongue atrophies, at which point it latches it's body onto muscles remaining from the tongue and functionally replaces the host's tongue."

Ink and watercolor

Airline Collision

Acrylic and inkjet transfer

Leak night, Emptiness

Today is one of those days I want to just sit outside in the dark. To see all and be seen by none. The negative pressure of no eyes lets me expand and impinge upon the atmosphere,  push back the stars as they prick me like thorns, freckling my body with pores that leak night. The chill of the solid ground melds into me as I surrender, willingly, my enthalpy to this need to be not one, but all and none.

Acrylic and oil based paint
And now is when the lids get heavy and the emptiness sinks in. The cold glazes my eyes' gazes. And the pressure is so great, that I am infinitely small, remaining empty as a black hole unable to be sated. Stars dust and satellites lose their way in me never to be seen again. And this emptiness aches in every cold stiff joint -metallic robotic and dull. Sinking further still, I freeze at the core. Only my eyes feel the sting of all that they're missing.


Saturday, January 22

Eyes, Lex III

Lex III: Actioni contrariam semper et æqualem esse reactionem: sive corporum duorum actiones in se mutuo semper esse æquales et in partes contrarias dirigi. 

-Sir Isaac Newton

Law III: To every action there is always an equal and opposite reaction: or the forces of two bodies on each other are always equal and are directed in opposite directions.


Bridge, 37 Wall, All the love

The Brooklyn Bridge
Ink, watercolor and white colored pencil

this one didn't scan or photograph too well.
Acrylic, ink, watercolor

All The Love in the World -Nine Inch Nails

Watching all the insects march along, seem to know just where they belong. Smears of face reflecting in the chrome. Hiding in the crowd I'm all alone. No one's heard a single word I've said, they don't sound as good outside my head. It looks as though the past is here to stay, I've become a million miles a--. All the jagged edges disappear, colors all look brighter when you're near. The stars are all afire in the sky, sometimes I get so lonely I could... Why do you get all the love in the world? Why do you get all the love?

Ink and watercolor

My record year for rainfall

Perpetual rain machine

Ink and watercolor

Pom a grenade

the actual color is a cross between these two. for some reason this one scanned and photographed very awkwardly.

Acrylic, ink and watercolor

Gordian's pieces & Belated


I still remember how we stood
sand and salty footed in the ascending tide
with sweat sand and sun in your damp hair,
down your neck and across your back
where my fingers felt the texture of your
windy tee and I felt you holding me.
You stood so steady on the rocks while
I shifted my weight, trying desperately
to intimate the contents of my wordless heart.
Watercolor and ink on graph paper

the end!

Ink and inkjet transfer

Inverse cow print- back inside cover pocket

Wednesday, January 19

Tuesday, January 18


I'm still in the process of finishing up my sketchbook, and although i already have scans/photos of several other pages, they're on my other site and i'll be switching them over to this one soon. Probably after I actually send out my book so i don't have to worry about it anymore. k, so check back for more goodies.

Monday, January 17


Cymothoa Exigua
Parasitic Tongue-Eating Isopod

The tongue-eating isopod enters its host through the gills and attaches its body at the base of the tongue. It uses its front claws to extract blood until the hosts tongue atrophies, at which point it latches its body onto muscles remaining from the tongue and functionally replaces the hosts tongue.


petromyzon marinus parasitic sea lamprey
Petromyzon Marinus
Parasitic Sea Lamprey

The sea lamprey can grow up to 35.5 in long. It uses it's suction cup-like mouth to attach to a host and bores through the host's flesh with it's rasping teeth and bony tongue in order to feed on the host's blood and bodily fluids.