Sunday, January 23

All you can eat

Thrown hard -my back agains the wall
your hand trails unsteadily
through my hair, over my cheek
and I sink as you fix me in place;
threading your wires through my skin
in reckless uneven stitches.
You touch my lips and linger
to make these holes in my throat,
then taunt the voiceless
-listening only, as my lungs deflate,
to the sound of air that's no longer mine
igniting the sparks I strike behind my eyes...

In my quick-burning rage, I forget
my name, I feel no pain, feel no regret.

I tear your wires from my flesh and
watch the blood so bright and fresh.

Emboldened now by the coursing red
I turn your needle on you instead.

I bind you now with will and might
back against the wall -stitched up so tight.

With time I know my holes will heal
but you, I want to remain here. the embers cool to return
me from fugue; to re-associate
my brain, the agony, the name.
Your hand presses hard
into the crook of my waist
and I watch as you savor the sharpness
of this curve with your dead
hungry grip gnawing into my ribs.
I've been all but resolved with plotted
precision -your strung up captive.
Too weak to fight back from all
the blood lost.
Watercolor and ink

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