Sunday, January 23

Leak night, Emptiness

Today is one of those days I want to just sit outside in the dark. To see all and be seen by none. The negative pressure of no eyes lets me expand and impinge upon the atmosphere,  push back the stars as they prick me like thorns, freckling my body with pores that leak night. The chill of the solid ground melds into me as I surrender, willingly, my enthalpy to this need to be not one, but all and none.

Acrylic and oil based paint
And now is when the lids get heavy and the emptiness sinks in. The cold glazes my eyes' gazes. And the pressure is so great, that I am infinitely small, remaining empty as a black hole unable to be sated. Stars dust and satellites lose their way in me never to be seen again. And this emptiness aches in every cold stiff joint -metallic robotic and dull. Sinking further still, I freeze at the core. Only my eyes feel the sting of all that they're missing.


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